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Reduce data center costs through world-class power usage efficiency, Europe’s lowest prices on hydropower and beneficial taxation.

Significant savings

We deliver higher quality, at a lower data center cost than our clients manage to produce themselves. Low PUE (Power Usage Efficiency), a long-term investment perspective and high-power load per rack enables low operational costs and reduces the costs for our clients.

Our clients realize that establishing data centers in their own premises involves expenses beyond what is needed for just the physical equipment. By moving their equipment to Green Mountain, our clients are able to leverage existing infrastructure and also avoid this high start-up cost.

Predictable and reduced OPEX

Cost of power now accounts for 50% + of the OPEX of a data center in most of Europe. This percentage is rising as power costs increase. The amount of power consumed is, therefore, a cornerstone of the Data Center OPEX. Green Mountain addresses this in several ways:

  • Cost of power is 40-50% less than most of Europe (with no carbon taxes or CRC charges added).
  • Power price agreements can be fixed for up to 10 years.
  • In January 2017, Green Mountain was approved for the new Norwegian tax relief, which reduces power fees by 97 %. We transfer the full benefit to our clients, which gives you a 35 % reduction on the electricity bill.
  • Cooling the data center usually accounts for an additional 40-80% of the electricity required to power the servers. At Green Mountain, we use the fjords and cold air as a cooling source. As a result, cooling is virtually ‘free’, adding only about 5% for the cooling load.

Adding these elements together on a 1000kW server load clients will save £m’s over a five year period with predictable OPEX.

Power Usage Efficiency (PUE)

Green Mountain delivers world-class Power Usage Efficiency (PUE) of less than 1.2. (PUE is the ratio of total amount of energy used by a data center facility to the energy delivered to IT equipment).

We achive this very low PUE through highly efficient cooling systems. This translates into less power consumed in running the data center compared to most European facilities which run between 1.4-1.8.

  • Efficient power distribution system (N+N)
  • Top class UPS efficiency (N+N)
  • Efficient cooling (N+N configuration)
  • In row, precision cooling systems (N+1 or N+N configuration)
  • Each client has real-time read-out in the PUE in their server room as well as in the monthly report and energy billing.

Beneficial Taxation

Green Mountain has agreed with the Taxation Authorities that, provided correctly structured, the offering can be classified as “a service”. We can therefore invoice it directly to foreign clients without VAT. In addition, this removes any risk of further taxation in Norway. (details on request)

There are no additional CRC/carbon payments on the electricity bill in our data centers.

Green Mountain pays no business rates. This data center cost is usually passed on to tenants by other providers.  Consequently, there are potentially thousands of € /£/$ in savings for our clients.

Opening of Green Mountain's DC3-Oslo
The Norwegian government has implemented beneficial tax rules to attract foreign clients to the Norwegian DC industry.