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Updated Data Center Stratgey 2021

The world’s first national strategy on data centers was published by the Norwegian government in 2018. Today, the government launched an updated version. The vision is to make Norway an even more attractive location for data centers.
Several actions have been taken since the first Norwegian data center strategy was launched. The government has removed property taxes on machinery and accessories in works and in­stallations. Moreover, data centers also benefit from a reduced tax on electricity. They have facilitated additional fiber optic cables to other countries and implemented new efficient regulations for cable installations on public infrastructure.

Highlights from the Norwegian Data Center Strategy

With the updated strategy the government wants to take more actions to further improve business conditions and the attrac­tiveness of Norway for data centers. The full strategy is still only in Norwegian but here are some of the highlights:

  • Continue to facilitate stable framework conditions for the data center industry.
  • Prioritize ICT educations to secure sufficient access to ICT competence.
  • Facilitate cooperation agreements between data center operators and educational institutions.
  • Facilitate sustainable development of the data center industry in Norway – for instance by requiring data centers to investigate how the surplus heat (waste heat) can be utilized.
  • Establish a national heat map to ensure better resource utilization of waste heat.
  • Strengthen the marketing of Norway as a data center nation.
  • Investigate how to streamline processes related to the development and licensing of connections to the transmission. The Government has appointed a public committee to consider this, among other things.
  • Continue to strengthen the digital foundation – investments in fiber, grid and more renewable power to meet increasing demand.

In addition, the government has issued a guide on how to establish a data center in Noway. It gives essential information about regulatory processes, time to market and contact information to relevant authorities.
You can read the full press release here.
You can read the data center guide here.

A strong value proposition

Green Mountain is thankful for the Norwegian government’s efforts and support to grow the data center industry further. As a result,  Norway can offer renewable energy and an ultra-low carbon footprint at a low cost. In combination with an excellent infrastructure and connectivity, a highly competent workforce, and experience within power-intensive industries.

Norwegian Data Center Strategy - Tor Kristian Gyland and Linda Hofstad Helleland
Green Mountain CEO, Tor Kristian Gyland with Minister of Regional Development and Digitalisation, Linda Hofstad Helleland at the launch event of the strategy.
Norwegian Data Center Strategy Launch Event
Tor Kristian Gyalnd speaking at the launch event of the Norwegian Data Center Strategy.