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Green Mountain Sustainability Report 2023 Front Cover

Green Mountain’s Sustainability Report for 2023 is now available on our website. This is our third annual report where we report our progress within ESG. (Environment, Social, Governance.) New in this report, is the inclusion of data from our data center in London as well as Scope 3 emissions accounting for our Norwegian sites.

2023 was a year of strong growth in Green Mountain with several new expansions and projects. Growing in a fast pace puts extra pressure on us to operate sustainably and requires more resources to do so. Consequently, one of our main priorities in 2023 was to enable our organization and our systems to meet the strict standards of sustainability both in action and reporting.

In short, here are some of the highlights from the report:

  • Established a new dedicated sustainability team to enhance our capacity to develop and implement a comprehensive sustainability strategy.
  • Reached climate neutrality within scope 1 and 2 in our data centers in Norway.
  • Added Scope 3 to our Greenhouse Gas accounting.
  • Reduced our F-gas emissions by over 88%.
  • Continued to power our data centers on 100% renewable energy and improved our Power Usage Effectiveness. (PUE)
  • Included our site in London in our reporting for the first time.
  • Committed to BREEAM Communities standard at our new osl-hamar facility.
  • Continued to receive high score in both employee- and client satisfaction survey.

“Our focus on Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) remains strong and aligned with the challenges we face today. We are dedicated to making a positive impact through sustainability initiatives, community engagement, employee well-being, and responsible governance.”, said Chief Executive Officer of Green Mountain, Svein Atle Hagaseth.

“The Green Mountain values serve as the best tool for us to set ambitious targets and implement strategies to reach them. In this report, you will be able to follow our work on our path to becoming the leading organization in our field – Setting the Green Standard.” said Chief Sustainability Office, Torkild Follaug.

You can read more about our targets and progress in the Green Mountain Sustainability Report 2023 here